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Systemic Racism


Racism is embedded in the structure of our society. It is a part of all our everyday lives, whether you believe it or not, and you (yes, YOU!) are a part of a system that runs on racism. White people have the most power, wealth, access to healthcare, and education. According to PEW Research Center, People of Color (POC) are twice as likely to be unemployed as white people. That is not a result of less effort or fewer job opportunities, it is a result of America catering to white people.


Redlining, when lenders refused to lend money to people living in certain areas, led to Black people living in poverty and only escalated these issues. The video below explains redlining, and how Black people are not given the same opportunities as white people. Implicit bias and prejudices play a large part in these issues. As a result of systemic racism, Black people have a much higher incarceration rate and are 30% more likely to be pulled over when driving, according to the Ben & Jerry's article linked above. 

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